Approximately 60% of preventable maternal deaths occur in places experiencing weather-related disasters, political upheaval, and humanitarian crises.
We fund community-based response efforts to fill the gaps in care and services when the breakdown of health systems can cause a dramatic rise in preventable maternal deaths.

Corazón del Agua
Crisis: Volcano Fuego Eruption
2018 Grant: $16,000
Support: Doctor and midwife visits to shelters in Escuintla to assist women and children displaced by the Volcano Fuego eruption in June 2018 and for critical supplies, medicines, and volunteer health workers’ transport, and other related needs.

HOPE Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh
Crisis: Rohingya Refugee Crisis
2018 Grant: $10,000
Support: Mobilize an emergency public health response to meet the needs of over 500,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, deploying mobile health clinics and setting up a temporary field hospital to provide primary, maternity, emergency, and mental healthcare.

HOPE Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh
Crisis: Emergency Preparedness
2018 Grant: $37,000
Support: Train and equip multidisciplinary Emergency Preparedness teams of providers to act immediately to provide medical treatment, referrals, and evacuation in response to destruction resulting from monsoon rains in the Kutupalong refugee camp and Cox’s Bazar.

United States
Circle of Health International (Texas)
Crisis: Hurricane Harvey
2017 Grant: $39,075
Support: Cash grants for women and their families affected by Hurricane Harvey to enable them to pay for medicines, food, supplies, and hotel rooms and for trauma counseling in shelters for evacuees.

United States
Commonsense Childbirth (Florida)
Crisis: Mold
2018 Grant: $10,000
Support: Following a building emergency and ensuing mold at the Pine Hills Easy Access Clinic, funding support was provided to transport 60 pregnant or postnatal women two days per week to the Winter Garden location for care; to store equipment, machines, and supplies; and for various other expenses.

United States
Commonsense Childbirth (Florida)
Crisis: Zika Virus
2017 Grant: $18,600
Support: Outreach and education to marginalized and underserved populations to prevent Zika Virus transmission in Florida.

United States
Commonsense Childbirth (Florida)
Crisis: Zika Virus
2016 Grant: $20,200/$15,500
Support: Outreach and education to marginalized and underserved populations to prevent Zika Virus transmission in Florida.

United States
Circle of Health International (Puerto Rico)
Crisis: Hurricane Maria
2017–2018 Grant: $30,000
Support: Provide and train clinical teams to give direct care and logistical support on the ground, distribute essential medicines, and provide cash grants to midwives following Hurricane Maria.

United States
We Care Solar (St. Croix)
Crisis: Hurricane Maria
2017 Grant: $3,600
Support: Supply We Care Solar suitcases to a shelter in St. Croix post-Hurricane Maria to provide electricity.

One Heart Worldwide
Crisis: Gorkha Earthquake
2017 Grant: $25,000
Support: Provision of 10 Solar Suitcases, supplies, essential medicines, blankets, and hats for medical camps in post-earthquake Nepal.

One Heart Worldwide
Crisis: Gorkha Earthquake
2016 Grant: $28,500
Support: Post-earthquake renovation and upgrade of Melamchi Health Center in Sindupalchok district, including construction, maintenance, and materials.

One Heart Worldwide
Crisis: Gorkha Earthquake
2015 Grant: $25,000
Support: Renovation and upgrade of the Toksel and Balakhu health posts in Okhaldhunga district, which were destroyed in the 2015 earthquake.

Maison de Naissance
Crisis: Hurricane Matthew
2016 Grant: $15,000
Support: Rebuilding and recovery of the Maison de Naissance birth center in Torbeck, along with critical and basic supplies for renovation and safe birth, in response to the damage from Hurricane Matthew.

Midwives For Haiti
Crisis: Zika Virus
2016 Grant: $9,300
Support: Provision of education, outreach, and supplies to prevent Zika virus transmission in Haiti.

We Care Solar
Crisis: Hurricane Matthew
2016 Grant: $28,980
Support: In response to Hurricane Matthew, purchase and related shipping and installation costs for 12 Solar Suitcases, distributed to various clinics throughout Haiti.

Circle of Health International
Crisis: Civil War
2015 Grant: $40,350
Support: Training for six professional Syrian midwives to provide emergency obstetric care and trauma-based care, and provision of critical supplies and medicines in Syria.