
It’s time to break one of the unspoken rules of motherhood.

We have long been taught to not share our birth stories.

Conception, pregnancy, birth, matching with your baby through adoption, or the time after birth can be surprisingly challenging, even traumatic. It can also be joyful and empowering. And yet, all too often, we keep quiet about our experiences.

During Mother’s Month, you can share your story and join us in supporting more mothers with a donation today.

Why shouldn’t we talk about the beautiful mess of it all?

Arriving into motherhood is a process that can happen at any time. Transformation can spark with the arrival of one’s first child, the first time your baby kicks in utero, in the middle of the night while nursing or bottle-feeding–or maybe you don’t feel you’ve “arrived” until a therapy session years after birth.

You can upload .PNG, .JPG, .MP4, and .MOV files. If you have any questions while submitting your story, please email info@everymothercounts.org.
You can upload .PNG, .JPG, .MP4, and .MOV files. If you have any questions while submitting your story, please email info@everymothercounts.org.

How you can share your story

Ask yourself: What is my arrival story?

Maybe you already know your arrival story, and have told it to friends and family for years. Or maybe you’ve never had the opportunity to consider it, to contemplate the healing power it holds. 

No matter what it looks like, your story matters.

And it deserves to be told. 

Pull out your cell and click Select Media. 

You can speak your truth directly to your camera by clicking “Select Media” above. 
If you’d rather share a photo and written testimonial, you can also upload an image and text in the same way. 

There is no wrong way to share your arrival story. 

Share your
arrival story!

Join the company of parents everywhere–writers, artists, athletes, executives, birth workers, activists and more–reclaiming their stories at their most human, and their most resourceful. 

From now through the end of May, we will share your stories and proudly declare the little spoken truth:

Every mother, everywhere, has a story.

“Because motherhood should be anything but lonely.”

My Arrival Story is a way to extend a hand to those who mother everywhere this Mothers’ Day season, to say: I want to hear your story. And here’s mine, here’s hers, and here are others’. You are not alone. How can we help each other?

Inspired by the new book Arrival Stories curated by Amy Schumer, Christy Turlington Burns, Serena Williams and more, now is the perfect time for you to join in the movement and share your arrival story before Mothers’ Day.

A few words from founder Christy Turlington Burns on why your arrival story makes a difference.


Your Arrival Stories


Your Story Matters

Change often begins with the simple act of people coming together to share knowledge and experiences to lift each other up. This is how we birth ideas and cultural movements: together.

We know that every mother has a story. Sharing our stories pushes back against the mandate for mothers to stay silent about their experiences, against the implicit notion that our stories are secondary.

Join us today.


Every Mother Counts

Christy’s arrival story led her to start Every Mother Counts in 2010, after suffering from a retained placenta and severe bleeding after birth. Every Mother Counts’ mission is to make pregnancy and childbirth safe, respectful and equitable for every mother, everywhere. 

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Learn more about Christy’s story and Every Mother Counts’ work and how you can get involved